3 Top Trends in Custom-Made Food Packaging Boxes

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Industrial and Manufacturing in the Modern World

Yo! My name is Ira. Welcome to my cool new blog. The articles on this blog will address the subject of industrial and manufacturing in the modern world. This is a subject I am very familiar with, despite the fact that I have never worked in the industry. I grew up in a household in which my dad and my older brother both worked in the industrial and manufacturing sector. As a child, I learnt all kinds of very cool things while talking to my dad and accompanying him on 'take your kid to work' days. In adulthood, I have maintained a keen interest in the sector.


3 Top Trends in Custom-Made Food Packaging Boxes

16 January 2019
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

The annual revenue of the bread and bakery segment in the Australian food industry is estimated to be US$5,917 million in 2019. Moreover, the sector is expected to grow at an annual rate of approximately 3% over the next three years. Therefore, if you own a startup bakery, you need to put measures in place to get a slice of the revenue. One strategy that you can use to attract and retain customers is the use of attractive and trendy custom-made boxes for your packaging needs. With the right custom packaging boxes, clients will find your products appealing. This article highlights trends in custom-made food packaging boxes to explore in 2019.

Protect Taste and Freshness 

Since most bakery products are luxury snacks, the last thing your customers want to experience when they buy and eat your cakes, muffins or doughnuts is the taste of the packaging. Clients are very particular about the freshness of their food, and you must ensure that the packaging you use does not alter the taste of the product. Consequently, the trend for food packaging is moving towards odourless packaging boxes. Although manufacturers produce a range of packaging boxes, you can arrange to have your boxes made with odourless cardboard.

Nutritional Information 

Australians are becoming increasingly health conscious, and most citizens want to know what they are putting into their bodies. Although customers might not ask you directly, they want to know what ingredients you are using in your products and in what quantities. The information is becoming more important in purchasing decisions. For instance, before a customer buys a muffin, they want to know how much sugar, fat or flavour goes into the product. Therefore, you should order custom-made packaging boxes that include a print of the nutritional information. The trend gives you an opportunity to play an integral role in helping customers make healthy food decisions.

Ease of Assembly 

Clients want to spend as little time as possible lining up to buy bakery products from your establishment. Therefore, your workers should take the least amount of time to package cakes, bread, doughnuts, muffins and buns among other products on offer. It is only possible through easy-to-assemble custom-made boxes. For example, crash-lock packaging boxes offer convenience in this regard. Other than spending less time waiting for pastries, customers don't want to struggle undoing the boxes to get food out. Furthermore, if there are any leftovers, customers should easily assemble the box back and store the leftover food for later consumption. Crash-lock packing boxes are easy to undo and assemble.

For more information, contact a business that can help you get custom-made boxes.