Why an insulated pipe is the most efficient solution to your piping dilemma

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Industrial and Manufacturing in the Modern World

Yo! My name is Ira. Welcome to my cool new blog. The articles on this blog will address the subject of industrial and manufacturing in the modern world. This is a subject I am very familiar with, despite the fact that I have never worked in the industry. I grew up in a household in which my dad and my older brother both worked in the industrial and manufacturing sector. As a child, I learnt all kinds of very cool things while talking to my dad and accompanying him on 'take your kid to work' days. In adulthood, I have maintained a keen interest in the sector.


Why an insulated pipe is the most efficient solution to your piping dilemma

17 July 2018
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

There are a lot of reasons that you may want to move water around your business property. Perhaps you want to install a heating or cooling system, or maybe you just need a ready supply of water for a new machine you have recently purchased. Running pipes from one area to another is standard procedure and doesn't normally present a problem, but there are some circumstances where standard pipes aren't going to resolve your problem properly.

Suppose you want water to remain at a fixed temperature during transfer. Moving either heated or chilled water through conventional pipes is likely to lead to a substantial change in water temperature before the water reaches the desired destination. The longer the journey through the pipes the bigger will be the change in temperature, and that is bad news for a lot of applications.

If you want hot water for cleaning purposes, or chilled water for underground cooling or even for drinking and all you get at the end of the journey is tepid water then you will need to change the way you do things if you want your systems to function correctly.

What is the solution?

Conventional pipes expose the water inside them to the surrounding air temperature and this is what causes the water to change temperature. The most effective way to ensure that water stays at the right temperature is to use an insulated pipe that protects the water from the surrounding environment. Keeping the water at the right temperature using an insulated pipe is the most cost-effective solution to your water transfer problems.

Instead of trying to manage with tepid water or attempting to change the water temperature at the destination point an insulated pipe offers a fuel efficient alternative. That will save your industrial or commercial business both time and money since the water arrives where it is needed ready for immediate use.

A flexible solution

If you want to create a temperature controlled water system around your premises then one of the issues that you will be aware of is the existing use of the site. Unless you are working on a brand new business site there will be many fixtures and installations already in place that you can rarely move to accommodate your new pipework. In this situation installing insulated pipes can be a significant advantage.

An insulated pipe is flexible and lightweight so it can be fitted in even the most cramped and crowded location. The pipes can be easily worked around both natural obstructions and any buildings that are found to be blocking their planned route. The whole piping system can be put in place with only minimal disruption to the surrounding environment.